Family History: Domesday Book (the Domesday book was the kings taxe book; kinda like an IRS book for today tax payers)
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Description Date Catalogue ref Details
Place name: Seagrave, Leicestershire
Folio: 233r Great Domesday Book
Domesday Placename Form: Satgrave/Segrave/Setgrave
People mentioned: Alwine; Arnold; Countess Judith; Earl Waltheof; Godric; Henry de Ferrers; Huard; Hugh; Hugh de Grandmesnil; Ivo; King William ...
1086 E 31/2/2
Place name: Seagrave, Leicestershire
Folio: 237r Great Domesday Book
Domesday Placename Form: Satgrave/Segrave/Setgrave
People mentioned: Alnoth; Auti; Beorhtmaer; Bovi; Earl Harold; Hugh d'Avranches, Earl of Chester; Earnwig; Fulk; Godric; Hugh de Grandmesnil; ...
1086 E 31/2/2
Place name: Seagrave, Leicestershire
Folio: 230v Great Domesday Book
Domesday Placename Form: Satgrave/Segrave/Setgrave
People mentioned: Arnketil; Asgot; Burgesses of Leicester; Friendai; Godwine; Gytha; Herbert; Hugh; Humphrey the chamberlain; King Edward ...
1086 E 31/2/2
Place name: Seagrave, Leicestershire
Folio: 234v Great Domesday Book
Domesday Placename Form: Satgrave/Segrave/Setgrave
People mentioned: Aethelmaer; Alnoth; Ansfrid; Edwin Alfrith; Gerard; Henry de Ferrers; Ingald; Morcar; Ralph Pippin; Richard; Robert Despenser; ...
1086 E 31/2/2
Place name: Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire
Folio: 220v Great Domesday Book
Domesday Placename Form: Bertone
People mentioned: Abbey of St Peter of Peterborough; Algar; Alwine Cobbold; Aubrey; Azur; Burgraed; Edwin; Geoffrey; Geoffrey de Mowbray, ...
1086 E 31/2/2
Hey I found something on this.
My great-grandmother was a Segrave.
She was from Arkansas.
Do you have any ancestors from there?
Maybe we are related. I have a German last name, though, but that is from my father and he isn't even all the way German. My grandmother is Gaun, which is also English.
Anyway, they were in Arkansas since the 1800s because my great-great-great-great grandfather was named Gilbre Segrave and he was a doctor in the Civil War. He was born in North Carolina and died in Arkansas.
His mother was Sarah Wilson ( born 1770 ) and father William Segrave ( born 1765 ). William was born in Virginia and Sarah was born in North Carolina. She is also on my family tree.
William's father was James Segrave who came from England to Virgina.
I know there was the original Segrave family but there are variations.
So we are all related somehow... lol.
All those Medieval people are my ancestors too.
Maybe we are like eighth cousins.
You should check to see if you have any of the same ancestors of me in America!
If your family is from Virgina your probably descended from Francis Segrave from Ireland. He and his family settled on the isle of Wight off the coast of Virginia in 1690. He had two son Jacob and William both had something like eleven children.
William is a family name but your William could very well be a descendant of Francis.
Check on The Isle of Wright data base for more information on Francis Seagave and his descendants or The Seagraves forum in for more information.
Good luck,
Interesting to know.
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