Saturday, January 26, 2008

Seagraves Men in WWII

Our branch of the family was very lucky in that all the Seagraves sons(and fathers, and husbands) who went away to war came back home again.

Alton Seagraves--Navy WWII

(He was the baby of the family)
Picture courtasy of Suzy (Seagraves) Inman

Left Lionel Seagraves--Navy WWII

Right Johnnie Seagraves(My dad)--Army WWII

Picture courtesy of Suzy (Seagraves) Inman

(Betsy) Dean's Seagraves (Basil's wife) brother Grover Williams--Army WWII

Middle Aubry Seagraves--Army(desk Jockey?) WWII

Right Lionel Seagraves--Navy WWII

Photography by my father Johnnie Seagraves; while they were all on leave together on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Photo Courtesy of my mom Jeannetta Rockholt

The war is over and the whole Seagraves clan is finally back together again. This photo was taken in front of my Grandparent's (Jerome Milton and Hattie Seagraves) home on Sierra Street, Madera CA.

Their staggered so I'll do my best and hope I down confuse any one. Starting on left back row Alton, front row Aubry, back row Johnnie(my dad), front row Regina(aka Ricky--the only sister), back row Arnold, front row Basel, back row Endel, off to the right Lionel Seagraves.

Photo courtesy of Suzy (Seagraves) Inman


Gledwood said...

I'd love to do a family blog like that... but I told my family and they couldn't seem to see why snapshots of relatives the world won't know should be posted up for the world to see...

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Gledwood,

Well, you see it's like this, I've got a lot of cousins that like me looking for family roots, and this is a good way to share what I learn to my all my family members that have a computer and access to the internet.


Gledwood said...

actually I could use that as a great excuse:~ all my cousins down under in australia haha!

is it my imagination or just the clothes distracting me.. or did people in olden times used to have different expressions on their faces..??

Gledwood said...

ps many thanks for all your nice messages I didn't know where to leave this one you have so many bloggues!

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Gled,

Um, well, people just didn't smile so much in pictures back then.

My main blog is Lady Jan's home, my home on the internet so to speak.
